Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Pigs get fat, hogs get slaughtered

Know when to walk away, know when to run

Some of you may recognize the above line from "The Gambler," a famous Kenny Rogers song.  I decided that the time to walk away is here.  Followers of the RumWave should have about a 10% gain from the time I turned on the green light last week.  Not to shabby.

Yesterday I mentioned that I was keeping an eye on something on the RumWave chart.  Today it became significantly more concerning to me so I sent an email out to my close friends suggesting that they secure the profits they have made.  Personally, I closed out my bullish option positions and set a tight trailing stop on my leveraged ETF.

I believe we are one or two days away from a relatively violent sell off.  There is a chance that the market pushes higher still, but the gravity is to the downside.

The scores:

TSP:  G Fund

401k:  Move toward conservative positions

Questions or comments?  Email me:  rumwavetrading@gmail.com


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